Design and construction services


Main services: Education department

Personnel training, including the type of coverage and workflow inside the clean room

Behavior management training of service personnel, engineering, visitors of senior managers and inspectors

Development of monitoring and control instructions

Clean space standards training

Training in choosing the right staff for the clean room

The importance of how employees behave in the clean room

The human body naturally produces a series of pollutants such as: skin particles, oil, sweat and hair, which are removed by bathing and are not considered dangerous in daily life.

But when it comes to working in a clean room, the situation is different. Regarding the clean room, the presence of pollutants should be reduced to zero by taking precautionary and preventive measures.

How cleanroom staff behave correctly

The steps of correct behavior in the clean room are as follows:

Reduce the number of body movements
prevent sneezing
Cough prevention
Wearing isolated work clothes
Control business communication
Eliminate bad habits

Conduct and regulations in the clean room:

Hands, nails and face should be kept clean.

Hair should never be fixed or combed in a clean room

Jewelry should not be used on the hands and chest.

Keys, cigarettes, coins, pencils, handkerchiefs, combs, mobile phones and any foreign objects are prohibited in the clean room.

Eating and drinking in the clean room is prohibited.

Work such as: scratching, rubbing and rubbing hands or playing with hair and similar actions should be avoided.

It is forbidden to use special outer clothes in the clean room.

Work must be done on clean surfaces.

Movement in the clean room should be done very slowly.

It should be sure that the work parts are cleaned before starting the work.

Training on cleaning and maintaining a clean room

After construction, the clean room needs regular and regular maintenance and cleaning. The process of cleaning the clean room requires special skills and the personnel employed to clean the clean room must have passed the necessary training. Clean room cleaning is different according to the clean room class and has its own requirements. This equipment includes:

1- T-shirt and mop for clean room

2- Clean room napkins

3- Clean room washing bucket

4- Clean room vacuum cleaner

5- Detergents and disinfectants in the room are clean